© 2014 - 2024 Kitayama Trading, Inc.

- Company Name
- Kitayama Trading, INC
- Location
- 237-2 Kogawa-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan 6008149
- Contact Information
- Tel:+81-75-354-5118
- Founded
- December of 2014
- Capital
- ¥8,000,000
- President and CEO
- Wendy Lee
- Business Activities
- - Real estate sales, leasing, and management
- Production, operation, and management of hotels and whole-house rental guesthouses
- Licenses
- Real estate brokerage license issued by the Governor of Kyoto Prefecture, No. (2)13649
- Achievements
- - 7 hotels (total of 150 rooms)
- 50 whole-house rental guesthouses
- Management of 80 real estate properties